How to spot an alcoholic and the rise of women who drink beer
The number of women who drink beer is on the rise, but women drinking this drink is not a new trend. Studies show that women are getting increasingly addicted to alcohol , but doctors haven't paid much attention to this trend. Men used to do most of the drinking in Western societies, but now that women are more used to drinking, they are starting to drink a lot more. Fans of Mad Men will remember when Don Draper's friends drank brown liquor in the office or Old Fashioneds in the pub after work. Alcohol companies should change how women are seen and make their drinks more appealing to women. Women used to be shown as "butts" in beer ads and marketing, but this is no longer the case. In reality, women make up barely 5% of beer consumers. Even though men still tend to drink more than women, women now drink more than men. Since the 1980s, the beer women drink increased by about a third. Women are three times more likely than men to drink wine, but men are twice as likely ...